Let's meet Bahar . . .

Name: Bahar A
Age: 23 :(
Where's your favorite place to be? somewhere not cold and not humid with any of my friends
What do you think is beautiful? as cheesy as this sounds, when people actually give a shit and make an effort to help others. i think its also beautiful to see little children learning and playing lol :)
Are you living your dream? If so, how? If not, what are you doing to reach it? no im not yet, and i may never but i will try to reach, the day that i learn to THINK AND FOCUS.
If money weren't an issue, how would you live your life? i would travel 6 months out of the year, and the rest of the time work for others for free to help them. (no im not being cheesy)
Describe your favorite outfit? black black and more black.
What's your favorite word? phenomenal. im sure i spelled it wrong. (Editor's note: She didn't.)
What makes you unique? my dna?
What's your drink of choice? alc bev- vodka tonic with lots of lemon, non alc bev- perrier with lots of lemon....hmmmm they taste pretty similar.
What are your three favorite albums? ahhh, umm wu-tang forever because its fucking wu tang clan, placebo - "without you im nothing" because it is PHENOMINAL. and the crystal method- "vegas" cause it is my very first electronic music album age the tender age of 12.
If you could give the 13-year-old you any advice whatsoever, what would it be? Its not that serious, its never that serious, and it will never be that serious. also-- DONT BE MEAN. :) ohhh pubertyyyyy
You're beautiful. ♥
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